I cheated for a slice of pizza.
Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

I cheated for a slice of pizza.

Our friends are up to more mischief. This time, Cake suggests a fair way to decide who gets the last slice of pizza. But she has underestimated her competition.

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Trade me OR ELSE
Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

Trade me OR ELSE

If you've played board games, especially settlers of catan, y'all will understand this feeling. Some of my friends who watched this thought the characters were based on them lol. Anyone you think you relate to?

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Dungeons and Dragons Bingo
D&D Kenneth DSilva D&D Kenneth DSilva

Dungeons and Dragons Bingo

You know how some D&D players struggle to use their attributes? Like medicine, stealth, insight, etc. They don't really get the full range of role play and character potential.

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Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

Do Doodle.

We are all quite guilty of casting judgement on people who doodle during meetings (and in classrooms for that matter). For a long time it has been perceived as disinterest, distraction, or worse, disrespect to the people speaking or holding the meeting. But in reality, doodling is a very positive and beneficial behavior.

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Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva


Here’s a simple fun icebreaker to get a laugh out of almost anyone. Enjoy!

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How to Play: Mafia
Social Games Kenneth DSilva Social Games Kenneth DSilva

How to Play: Mafia

Night arrives and each of them go to sleep in their own rooms. After what seemed like a peaceful night, they wake up the next morning to find that one of their friends was murdered in his sleep.

They gather together in the living room to discuss what happened. They realize that since they are in the middle of nowhere, and so the killer must be among them and before you know it the accusations start flying. After a very heated debate, they agree on who the killer must be. In their frenzy, they promptly tie him up and throw him in the lake.

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Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

Stranger Changer

A stranger made an observation about our human behavior. He suggests that, especially after the greatening divide of ideologies of late, that we are increasingly ignoring our humanity with each other. What does that mean? We are making less eye contact with our cashiers, we are holding less doors open for strangers, we are speeding through casual conversation to escape back to our desks, phones or otherwise.

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Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

Experimental Storytelling

For this to work, you have to make a promise with me and keep it. I'll tell you the rules first, but only continue this video is you promise to uphold them, understand? As you learn more about this story, there will be moments where you have to make a decision. A prompt will appear with two options asking you what you want to do. One option will ask you to raise a finger on your left hand. The other, on your right. If at any point in this story, you put up all 5 fingers on either hand, you have to stop the video. If you can keep that promise, let's continue..

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Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva


Long road trip? Waiting in line at Disneyland? In a blackout? We got you, assuming you can still read this haha. This is one of those games that really makes you brain work in weird ways. I would like to see brain scans while playing this game. Simple rules & huge variety in gameplay allowing lots of replayability. Makes for really great conversation too, watch the YouTube video to see what I mean.

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The Storytelling Dice
Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

The Storytelling Dice

When it comes to storytelling, especially off the cuff stuff, a lot of speakers struggle with knowing what to say next. This little handy discovering will change all that and let you enjoy the fun of storytelling without the worry of needing to know where to go with it.

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There once was a Queen
Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

There once was a Queen

A long time ago in a faraway land (literally like 20 years ago in India), my grandfather was keeping me entertained on a random hot summer day. I remember sitting on the bed with him and he had a deck of playing cards, and proceeded to show me a 'magic' trick that, at least at that age, was mind bogglingly awesome and entertaining.

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The Quote Board
Kenneth DSilva Kenneth DSilva

The Quote Board

"I like the feeling in my mouth when it's soft, but not when you leave it alone and it becomes hard." If I need to spell it out for you beyond this, this game isn't for you and nor is this post.

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