Dying in a Pokemon Center

This is how I was sent to the Hospital in our Pokemon D&D campaign.

When we started our adventure, the DM granted us almost any basic starter Pokemon, as long as it was like within reason, so Oak had an unusual line-up when it came time to picking a pokemon.

Since this campaign was gonna be a one-shot, I hastily made a Giovanni rip-off, but all our characters are 10 year olds to start so, a 10 year old Giovanni.

And since I was Giovanni, it seemed appropriate to get a Nidoran as a starter. And I'm like, what would a 10 year old boy do is presented with a Nidoran?

Touch it's fucking horn of course. I rolled a animal handling check, super effective fail and impaled my hand as I was trying to touch the horn.

We were still in Oak's lab at this point and Oak had the most annoyed look he could muster (this isn't the time for that) and started to question why he was giving 10 year olds dangerous animals.

Meanwhile, I'm bleeding out and poisoned, my brain was doing the glitch sounds from the old Pokemon games when your character is poisoned and Nidoran is crying in the corner for almost killing his first trainer.

And of course this shitty lab didn't even have any antidotes, so I was rushed over to the nearest Pokemon Center and was operated on by veterinarians instead of human doctors.

And then failed a medicine check so they couldn't save my hand and had to amputate at the elbow before the poison spread.

So now I gotta play the rest of this campaign with one arm and a toxic relationship with my nidoran. TOXIC get it?

And that kids, is how I started my first ever Pokemon D&D campaign.

Needless to say that we all loved this one shot and went on to do a full campaign, stay tuned for more Pokemon D&D shenanigans.


Small talk but it’s super effective.


Do Doodle.