The Quote Board

I have a friend who is a genius when it comes to creating or pushing games and such that are great friendship building tools. Ok that line was confusing, let me try again. My fun friend makes fun games for friends. Ok I swung a little too far in the other direction, whatever you get it!

Years ago, him, myself and a group of friends were living overseas and went on a lot of adventures together. And basically since day one, this guy who I'll call Donut for privacy sake, had the great idea to keep track of all the funny inappropriate quotes that we said over time. You'll see what I mean in a sec. Basically anytime someone said something  that could be twisted into something naughty or immature, he made sure to point it out.

For example, in the context of eating fresh cookies, someone might say, "I like the feeling in my mouth when it's soft, but not when you leave it alone and it becomes hard." If I need to spell it out for you beyond this, this game isn't for you and nor is this post.

So Donut was especially good at finding these moments and pointing it out. He would basically repeat the person and exaggerate the naughtiness of it. "So you like soft things in your mouth, eh?" And of course, his delivery combined with our immaturity, caused us all to have a good laugh about it. Every. Single. Time.

This is where the genius part lies. Once someone says something like that, Donut records it on his phone in a note file, word for word, and includes the speakers name. He kept documenting these on his phone and over time,  it became bigger and bigger and was really fun to look at. Ah, see what I did there? That's one for the board.

He kept doing this and eventually the rest of us became better at spotting these moments too, and would also point it out. This went on for like 2 years and every once in a while when we were lounging around bored, he could bust out his phone and we read through the Quote board, and we would all have a good time reminiscing about it. It's especially good for conversation because we had to really work hard together to remember the context of the quotes. Like, who is going to guess that the example above was a conversation about cookies?

Sadly, we had to part ways after our time overseas had ended, but one of the sweetest parting gifts was Donut e-mailing  the list of quotes to everyone in the group. He even put together some stats of who was the most quoted person and ranked the top 10. It was quite an honor to be number 4. Looking back at the quote board, you can watch the YouTube video for reference, you would think that were we a bunch of pre-pubescents boys in middle school drawing penises everywhere, but who cares, we were all having fun and I think you and your friends might enjoy it too.

Without further ado, The Quote Board.

[YouTube Video Here]


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