Stranger Changer

A stranger made an observation about our human behavior. He suggests that, especially after the greatening divide of ideologies of late, that we are increasingly ignoring our humanity with each other. What does that mean? We are making less eye contact with our cashiers, we are holding less doors open for strangers, we are speeding through casual conversation to escape back to our desks, phones or otherwise.

It's unreasonable to expect you to have long conversations with everyone you meet, but it is completely reasonable to give everyone the time of day, literally and figuratively.

Everyone can do this their own way. My personally way it to elicit interesting conversation where possible, but if I'm not on my A game that day, I have some really lame jokes in my back pocket that I will share with perfect strangers. Here is my favorite, it's lame, but will make people smile, and therefore amazing.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Hatch who?

Bless you.

Anyway, let's be unexpectedly friendly.


How to Play: Mafia


Experimental Storytelling