Friends don’t let friends go to prison

Original Script

A: One of you is guilty.

  1. A: You have 2 minutes. (start clock)

  2. A: If no one confesses.

  3. A: It’s game over for all of you.

  4. C: Pardon me but, you’re doing it wrong.

  5. W: yeah your carrot stinks

  6. A: Excuse me?

  7. J: she means your bait is no good

  8. K: You should offer some kind of prize instead.

  9. A: …

  10. A: Your prize is not going to prison.

  11. A: FOR LIFE.

  12. J: what about a vacation?

  13. W: ooh like Tokyo or Paris!

  14. C: Stock options.

  15. K: Unlimited breadsticks.


  17. A: You are all in serious trouble.

  18. W: but you said it would be game over

  19. C: Therefore, a game.

  20. K: No offense guys, but I’m pretty sure I’m winning.

  21. J: how?? He didn’t give us any rules.

  22. W: yeah, we need rules!

  23. A: Unbelievable. Fine.


  25. A: First person to snitch on their friend gets all the prizes you mentioned before.

  26. Everyone says the name of another, but no repeat names. (use hand icons point on a grid to each other)

  27. J: oooohh, nice one guys

  28. W: I love you all, you know that?

  29. C: <3

  30. K: That was fun detective, do another!

  31. A: Seriously?

  32. A: Time is running out.

  33. A: Do none of you care about your future?

  34. C: Of course we care.

  35. K: Yeah we’re not idiots.

  36. J: friends don’t let their friends go to prison

  37. W: next rule please!

  38. A: (anger)

  39. A: (deep breathe)

  40. A: Highcard, is it?

  41. A: You mentioned breadsticks.

  42. A: I happen to have here a freshly toasted slice of garlic bread.

  43. K: (drool)

  44. W: you just carry that around with you?


  46. A: Whoever eats this garlic bread is going to prison.

  47. J: Highcard...

  48. C: Highcard don’t.

  49. W: i’m having pizza flashbacks (go to video)

  50. K: guys..

  51. J: Highcard no.

  52. K: I’m sorry

  53. W: (grabs bread)

  54. W: Wait!

  55. K: HEY, that was mine!

  56. A: Hahahaha, yes, fight amongst yourselves. The clock is ticking.

  57. C: (idea)

  58. C: Detective!

  59. A: Yes?

  60. C: Release us or else!

  61. A: Hahhaha, HAHAHAHA

  62. A: Oh, pardon me.

  63. A: Or else what?

  64. C: Jacko!

  65. J: ??

  66. C: What does the doctor say when he wants to check your throat

  67. J: huh???

  68. A: You’re crazy, woman.

  69. C: Wild!

  70. W: stay away from me Highcard.

  71. C: WILD!

  72. W: what??

  73. C: What is your favorite thing to do at a zoo?

  74. W: ehhh??

  75. C: Jacko, Wild.

  76. C: Time is almost up.

  77. C: You have 10 seconds to figure it out.

  78. C: Or we’re all going to prison.

  79. J/W: ????

  80. K: give me my garlic bread!!


  82. A: I can’t wait to see you all in handcuffs.

  83. C: THREE!

  84. J: (think) I’m ready!

  85. C: TWO!

  86. W: (think) I got it!

  87. C: ONE!!!!

  88. J: Open your mouth and say AHHHH

  89. (jacko stomps down on the detectives foot)

  90. A: AHHHHH

  91. W: Feed the animals!

  92. (wild shoves the garlic bread into his mouth)

  93. C: Whoever eats this garlic bread is going to prison.

  94. (cake shuts his mo uth closed)

  95. A: (gulp)

  96. A: (shock face)

  97. (Warden comes in): I saw the whole thing. Detective, you’re coming with me.

  98. A: No! It’s not fair! If it weren’t for these meddling kids.

  99. C/J/W: Yeahhh!! We did it!

  100. K: my garlic bread..

  101. J: Highcard, you got us in this mess

  102. C: No, we’re all responsible, remember?

  103. W: i’m never answering the door again.


When you can’t cook but host Thanksgiving


NEVER repeat this Knock Knock Joke