I cheated for a slice of pizza.

Our friends are up to more mischief. This time, Cake suggests a fair way to decide who gets the last slice of pizza. But she has underestimated her competition.

Original Script

Q: Uh oh.

  1. W: what?

  2. Q: Last slice of pizza. (pizza broll)

  3. J: dibsss

  4. W/K: noooo (typed out)

  5. Q: That’s not how we settle things.

  6. J: but I called d-- (typed out)

  7. Q: Let’s roll dice

  8. Q: Whoever is the highest wins.

  9. Q: Deal?

  10. J: fine, W: gg ez, K: perfect

  11. *dice roll sound* Q: Six.

  12. J/W/K: WTF (shared screens)

  13. Q: *smirk emoji*

  14. Q: Well, good luck fellas.

  15. W: that’s not fair

  16. J: yeah! (from behind)

  17. Q: What, how?

  18. W: you cancelled Jacko’s dibs and then rolled a 6

  19. J: yeah! (from behind)

  20. W: we riot (lawn chair flipped) (angry music)

  21. J: yeah! (from behind)

  22. K: guys, guys, chill out

  23. K: anyone want a hit of this? (lighter deep inhale)

  24. Q: Anyway.

  25. Q: So the pizza is mine then?

  26. J: Hold up.

  27. *dice roll sound* J: Seven.

  28. Q: Seven??

  29. J: Seven.

  30. Q: How did..

  31. W: lol he drew dots on the dice

  32. K: lmao niceee

  33. Q: Okay that’s clearly against the rules.

  34. J: no it’s not.

  35. Q: Wipe it off and roll again.

  36. J: I can’t

  37. Q: Why not?

  38. J: permanent marker

  39. Q: Omg.

  40. W: it’s okay Cake

  41. W: I got this.

  42. *dice roll sound* Twenty.

  43. Q: Twenty????

  44. J: oh shiii---

  45. J: Natural 20 baby (d20)

  46. W/J: wooooo

  47. J: How do you want to do this? (matt mercer)

  48. W: The great pizza war is over but the battlefield still smells of fire, bloodshed and cheese. In the dust and smoke, a faint outline of a figure is visible.

  49. K: *blows smoke*

  50. J: ooo special effects

  51. W: As the smoke settles, the champion appears, standing tall and proud of her victory in this battle.

  52. K: his victory

  53. W: huh

  54. K: You see in his hand his weapon of choice.

  55. Q: This is getting out of hand.

  56. K: The fattest blunt you’ve ever seen.

  57. J: epic

  58. K: And as he raises his weapon into the air, he roars. “I am the highesttttttt.” (he-man with a blunt)

  59. J: preach it

  60. W: umm excuse me. 

  61. K: i’ll be taking my pizza now.

  62. Q: Pardon me?

  63. K: I’m the highest. I won.

  64. W/Q/J: ???????

  65. K: You said,

  66. K: and I quote,

  67. K: “Whoever is the highest wins.”

  68. Q: What.

  69. *mini-flashback* *with rewind feature*

  70. Q: But..

  71. J: i mean

  72. J: he’s not wrong

  73. W: okayyyy soooo, who won?

  74. Q: No one, this whole thing is a sham

  75. K: the pizza wins

  76. C: What does that even mean?

  77. W: umm

  78. W: what are you doing HighCard

  79. K: as a reward for your victory

  80. J: oh no

  81. K: I present you with

  82. C: Oh dear.

  83. K: my digestive tract

  84. C: Did you just..

  85. C: Kiss the pizza?

  86. J: why is his tongue out

  87. W: french kiss

  88. C: I hate you all.

  89. K: Congratulations Pizza

  90. K: you earned it.

  91. W: at least it’s not scissors

  92. W: right Jacko?

  93. J: you said you wouldn’t bring that up

  94. W: even better

  95. W: here’s the video


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