Beer Corn is A-Maze-ing

You know what seems like a really dumb idea in hindsight, getting drunk in a corn maze as as the Sun is going down, it seems like seems like a recipe for a horror movie.

Where do we go? Well, I thought it was just two options, but it's like three. There's there's a few. I think we came from like back there. So this might this might circle back to that six. Maybe it's a void. six. Oh God. So the last group said to avoid sex sex. But do we just trust them on that? I don't know. Do you trust us on that? I don't know. Let's do a quick walk around this. This might just be a little loop. I think is a loop. Yeah, I think so do. Yeah, it literally it just goes around. Yeah. OK. All right. Here we go. All right. It might be a little too little, too or a dead end. Now this is just that. I love the esthetic. And I think that just goes back the other way.

This is a rock one. That is a rock one. OK. Yeah. All right. Can you name? Year's number one song. On the band No Hard Pass. Wait, the boss, so that's Bruce Springsteen. Good for you. Yeah. And my dad's favorite and the song. The restless spirit of youth yearning to hit the road and live life to its fullest. Should I feel like I knew this from high school because they played this everyday? I'm sure it's like every morning life is a highway. Yeah. Oh, well, whatever it is, that is. Long. OK, so. Well when you can get already, kind of. Looking forward to this one, because like what a cool combination, which have not mentioned that, what is it?

Yeah, so it is a corn maze, beer tasting. And they have this really cool twist to it, if that wasn't already a great twist. They have a really cool twist with where they give you a little trivia thing. And as you're walking through the maze, this walk and talk as you're walking through the maze, I guess there's landmarks where you answer a question. Whatever you answer, you take that route. Yeah. So if we got it wrong, I imagine it's like we go further into the maze or whatever is that if we get it right, we're probably closer to the exit. Yeah.

Which do you want to try first. Movies. In the movie High School Musical? Oh God. What jersey number the story? Oh, I know this one. It's on my wall. I know people. Oh. OK. I have no idea. Yes. Let's try the let's try this. I feel like it's five. I don't like this one because it just pure. All right. So we see. Rock and roll. All right. Let's see which artist band listed on the Post. seven Sign also released the chain gold dust woman in Emerald Eyes. I think the eagle that one. All right, so we're turning right then. Well, we're not going to do the Halloween one just for kicks. Just like we already. Yeah, we already decided over there. So, all. Right, the Halloween one was who rode around Sleepy Hollow with a pumpkin for a head. And although Ichabod Crane or the Headless Horseman.

It's always a disheartening when you see the same people. Yeah. I think we're back to the same place. Yeah, so we came from here. Yeah. We came from here and we saw. No. No, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Yeah. I think we went to hear there is a. Blue just mark. This is a trail marker of some kind because we see it again because coins, a perfect trail marker an appointment. It's going to. I remember that specific stock. I remember all those cardinals. All right, but then if you look at the Halloween one, what candy increased in popularity after being featured in the movie E.T.. I've not seen it. It's pretty. I think Eminem is alive. And I'm. Pretty sure. It looks like something bigger station. Oh yeah. See hope on the horizon. All right. Even though we see them, they're still a little bit of solving to do something.

So we're not ready for the exit. We need to find more beer. Oh, there we go. Yeah, we did it. We did it, guys. We did it for more beer. I will try the IPA first, please. I'll try the opposite. Are you at the second person? OK? All right. Sanity check. This is a really good one. The Mango is still my favorite, but doesn't get to. Read a manual, it's really nice. Do you think you're going to be able to see what's going on, but really not. You know, high enough? The actual measures? Not that you can tell lots of people lost in here. We'll make it through the night, especially this group. I don't see any hope around the look especially lost. All right. This is a key to peace so far. Yup, definitely hopeless. We're losing light quickly. Sun's going down. But got a beer, so it should be OK. It's a full moon. You know what that means? Oh, here we go. It's another marker. I think what those me off about it is we don't find all the markers. David. Are you trying to me everything? Yeah, yeah. It's too smart for me. Oh, you can't see all the markers and then I turn around and you weren't there and I'm like, You got a fine, Ken. He's off trying to scare me. I wonder why some of these are taped off.

This is a little alarming, don't you think? It's where the bodies are. Sail away. I have. You can't technically illegal. And recording it. So we finished with a very lovely corn maize beer activity.


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