
Long road trip? Waiting in line at Disneyland? In a blackout? We got you, assuming you can still read this haha. This is one of those games that really makes you brain work in weird ways. I would like to see brain scans while playing this game.

This is a Lost In Play original. Allow me to present, 'Adjectively'. This is a competitive game that allows for any number of players. The rules are very simple, but the challenge scales pretty quickly. Here is how it goes.

  1. The first player says an adjective like 'big'.

  2. Then they have to think of something that can be described as big. i.e. House

  3. Then they add an adjective to the list, such as 'scary'.

  4. Now it's the second players turn, they have to think of something that is big AND scary. They might say 'shark'.

  5. And then the second player adds an adjective, such as 'black'.

  6. And now it's the third players turn, they have to think of something that is big, scary AND black. They might say 'batman'.

  7. And then the third player adds an adjective and so on. It returns back to the first player after all players have had a chance.

  8. There is a caveat where when you add an adjective, you must also be able to think of something that can be described with the full list of adjectives. For example, you add the adjective 'small'. Then the next player has to think of something that is big, scary, black AND small. This is clearly too difficult if not impossible, therefore not allowed, UNLESS you can think of an answer yourself.

That's the game. Simple rules & huge variety in gameplay allowing lots of replayability. Makes for really great conversation too, watch the YouTube video to see what I mean.

Happy  thinking, until next time. Good luck have fun, and let's get lost in play.


Experimental Storytelling


The Storytelling Dice