4 Weird Party Games Worth Trying

Catch The Duck (Really WEIRD Party Games)

4 Weird Party Games Worth Trying

Catching Ducks

Get some blindfolds, set up a contained fenced off area, throw in an animal that doesn’t want to be caught (like a duck) and watch the hilarity unfold. The first player to catch the duck wins. If you don’t have a duck, you can always use your other pets like your cat or dog. If you don’t have that either, you can use a remote control car. P.S. Be gentle with your pets.

SUPER Simon Says

It’s Simon Says but the skill difficulty is way higher than anything you’ve ever played. I don’t any of you will be able to host on this level BUT, it’s something worth getting good at because if you’ve watched the video above, you know just how much fun it’ll be when you do it well.

Fork That Apple

Easy game when sitting around in a circle. Grab a bunch of not-plastic forks and an apple. And y’all basically toss the apple to each other and catch it with a fork. Then throw the apple WITH the fork in it and catch it with a different fork. See how many forks you can get in the apple before the apple falls.

Made To Order

The Best Picnic Party Game OF ALL TIME. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to dog and the bone. You basically place an object on the grab, something grabbable (no ducks). Then the two teams line up equal distance away from the center object. Each team numbers their team members from 1 to however many people are on the team (both teams should be equal in size). The host yells out a number and the person from each team who was assigned that number runs to the center to try and grab the object and run it back to their team. HOWEVER, if you are tagged by the other player while holding the object the round resets by putting the object back in the center and the two players returning to their team’s side. You cannot touch the other player pre-emptively, you can only tag them once they hold the object. Please try this game, you’ll love it.


The Mysterious Valentines Date


Bored At Dinner? Try These Games!