The Mysterious Valentines Date

The Mysterious Valentines Date

The Mysterious Valentines Date

Challenges where the viewer picks an answer, if they are wrong, they have to stop watching the video.

General Ideas

  • “If you made it to the end, without cheating, congratulations! Please comment your answers and I will add your username to the scoreboard for the next week in this series. Hit that notification bell so you don’t miss it. And one last time. Good game, well played.”

  • “No rewinding.”

  • “I’m not here to trick you. Every game is winnable and skill based. There is not random element. Success is entirely in your hands. Good luck.”

  • Flash a multiplayer rules screen during tutorial

Episode 01

  1. Idea

    1. Can guy manage a good date, challenges along the way, valentines themed

    2. Elaborate ruse to do a proposal

  2. TnT

    1. Valentines Card

      1. Can You Survive This Valentines Date?

  • Story

    1. This couple just barely survived their Valentines date. This is Jake Williams and Nancy Miller. They aren’t married, they aren’t even engaged, although they could have been if this date had gone differently. They are going to tell you exactly what happened to them to see if you could have done better. Can you survive this Valentines Date?

    2. They arrived at the restaurant, a very fancy place that required reservations months in advance. As the couple enters, the host asks them if they have a reservation. Jake did have a reservation, but he was planning to propose tonight, and in his nervousness, he said his own name wrong. What name did he give the host?

      1. Jake Miller

      2. Jake Williams

    3. Take a second to lock in your answer, ready? In his nervousness he said Jake Miller. Nancy Miller noticed his mistake and kind of giggled. The host said, “Ah yes, Jake Miller, this way to your table”, and they were on their way to be seated. But little did they know they were about to be seated at the wrong table.

    4. Now this is where I need to teach you the rules of the game. When I asked you to lock in your answer, if you answered a) Jake Miller, you answered the question correctly and are allowed to continue watching this video. However, if you answered b) Jake Williams, then I’m afraid this is the end of the story for you. You don’t get to see what happened. In fact, you now have to stop this video and go watch something else. I can’t make you stop watching, but this is an honor system. I have to trust that you will follow the rules and stop the video. But for those of you that got it right, you may continue.

    5. But little did they know they were about to be seated at the wrong table. As the host brought them to their table, they were met with another couple. “Table for 4, as requested Mr. Miller.” The host promptly leaves, leaving the two of you standing awkwardly in this fancy restaurant with this stranger couple already seated. Because you didn’t want to cause a scene, you both reluctantly sit down. “Mr. and Mrs. Miller, thank you for coming”, the man says. And before either of you can reply, he brings out 3 boxes. “I was told that you were the right team for the job, but I don’t just trust, I also verify. Here are 3 identical boxes, two of them are empty but one has the package we need you to deliver.” He immediately starts shuffling the boxes in front of you in a mesmerizing manner. So fluid and seamless that you almost forgot to pay attention to which box he pointed at. After the shuffling stops, he tells you to pick the correct box.

    6. Jake finally speaks up after the confusion saying, “Um, I’m sorry, there seems to be some kind of mix up, no pun intended” as he gestures to the boxes, “but I think we are at the wrong table.” Jake begins to stand up and hears the sound of a gun being cocked. “Sit down.”, the woman says sternly. “If you stand up again with my permission, it will be the last thing you do.” The man adds, “This is not the first time someone has tried to break contract, though I expected better of you two.” Nancy replies saying, “Please, I really think this is some kind of mistake, my boyfriend and I are just on a valentines date, we don’t know anything about any package.” The woman grunts, puts a phone to her ear and says, “Two more bodies incoming, standby.” Jake and Nancy perk up immediately. “Okay okay, we’ll pick a box.”

      1. Which box has the package?

  • Story2

    1. You and your date arrive at a very fancy restaurant for Valentines day. The restaurant is fancy af, as you know since you had to book this reservation months in advance. You tell the host you have a reservation and they lead you to your table. At your table, you see that there are two strange people already sitting there, your date looks at you very confused, but instead of standing around awkwardly in the middle of this fancy restaurant waiting to clear up this mistake, you both sit down.

    2. The strange man on the table speaks first, “BEEP and BEEP, thank you for coming.” Before you can say anything, he places something on the table. “I was told that you were the right team for the job, but here’s something you’ll learn about our organization, we don’t just trust, we also verify. Here are 3 identical boxes, two of them are empty, but this one has the package you promised to deliver.”

    3. Rules:

      1. #1 Try your best to guess the correct answer and lock in that answer in your head.

      2. #2 You are not allowed to rewind this video just like you can’t rewind time in real life and as such you can’t rewind this moment as it is happening to you.

      3. #3 If you answer wrong, then you lose and must stop watching the video. This is where the story ends for you. Now obviously I can’t make you stop watching the video, it’s simply an honor system and I have to trust that you are an honorable person.

    4. He starts to shuffle the boxes in front of you in an effortless and mesmerizing manner. So fluid and seamless that you almost forgot to pay attention to which box he pointed at. After the shuffling stops, he tells you to pick the correct box.

    • asdf

      1. Rules:

      2. 1) You can’t rewind this video just like you can’t rewind time and as such you can’t rewind this moment as it is happening to you.

      3. 2) Try your best to guess the correct answer and lock in that answer in your head.

      4. 3) If you answer incorrectly, then you have lost and you must stop watching the video. Turn it off and go do something else. I can’t make you stop the video, it’s simply an honor system and I have to trust that you are an honorable person.

      • “Um, I’m sorry, there seems to be some kind of mix up, no pun intended, but I think we are at the wrong table,” you say as you begin to stand up but then hear the sound of a gun being cocked under the table. “Sit down,” the woman says sternly. “If you stand up again without my permission, it will be the last thing you do.” The man grunts in agreement and adds, “Now then, choose the correct box.”

    1. The strange man looks at you, studying you, as you reach out your hand and point to the box you chose. “Final answer?” he asks, and you nod your head. “Congratulations. You have chosen correctly. But I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised considering what I’ve heard about your abilities.”

      1. Alright. Time to follow the rules. If you chose the wrong box, it’s time to go. Feel free to hit the notification bell if you want to try again on a different video. Otherwise, thank you for playing.

    2. The strange man hands you the package as the strange woman gestures the waiter to come over and take our orders. She tells you that the waiter is about to show you the secret menu. “Listen carefully,” she says. “You’ll see that the secret menu has some unusual options. You need to pick the one that is the least similar to the others. You only get one chance to pick and you’ll know you picked right if the waiter looks afraid.”

    3. Game Two - The Menu

      1. The waiter comes over and starts to narrate the dinner selection for tonight.

      2. Pan-Seared Sea Bass with Lemon Butter Sauce - A delicate and flaky sea bass fillet, seared to perfection and served with a bright and tangy lemon butter sauce.

      3. Rack of Lamb with Rosemary and Garlic - Tender, juicy lamb chops seasoned with fresh rosemary, garlic, and black pepper, then roasted to a golden brown.

      4. Bacon-Wrapped Grilled Pineapple with Blue Cheese Dipping Sauce - A unique and unexpected dish that blends the sweet and juicy flavors of grilled pineapple with the salty and smoky taste of bacon. Served with a tangy blue cheese dipping sauce, this dish is sure to surprise and delight taste buds.

      5. Beef Wellington with Red Wine Sauce - A decadent dish comprised of filet mignon wrapped in flaky puff pastry, served with a rich and hearty red wine sauce.

      6. Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich - A classic childhood sandwich elevated with high-quality ingredients. Grilled to a crisp, this sandwich features creamy peanut butter and fruity jelly, with a touch of honey, between slices of artisanal bread and a side of pickles.

      7. You have 3 seconds to lock in your answer. 3.. 2.. 1..

    4. You look at your date looking for some kind of agreement on the answer and then point to the PB&J. The waiter looks at you horrified, sweat drops down his face and he swallows a big gulp as he walks away. The strange woman gives you a little snicker and says, “This is my favorite part.” You and your date finally snap back to reality and start to question what is going on.

    5. “Um, I’m sorry, there seems to be some kind of mix up, but I think we are at the wrong table,” you say as you begin to stand up but then hear the sound of a gun being cocked under the table. “Sit down,” the woman says sternly. “If you stand up again without my permission, it will be the last thing you do.” You look to your date who looks panicked, you reach over, squeeze their hand and whisper under your breath, “I have an idea. Wait for my signal”

    6. Game 3 - Distraction

      1. You start to look around the restaurant, it’s quite busy but you focus intently trying to find a suspicious looking couple that might be who these stranger were looking for. As you gaze around the room you see lots of different couples, it’s valentines day after all. But as you gaze around a second time, you notice that one of the couples seemed to look completely different. Locate the suspicious couple.

      2. Grid of tiles with pictures of couples. Flip over one at a time, flip back. Flip the full grid, then say, “second glance.” And have one of the tiles be different.

      3. “Here is a grid of tiles, I will flip them all over once as you study them. Then as you took a second glance across the room, I will flip them all over again and you have to pick the one that is now different.

      4. You have 3 seconds to lock in your answer. 3.. 2.. 1..

    7. You perk up and confidently address the strange man and woman telling them that you have spotted a suspicious looking couple that might be the ones they were actually hoping to meet with. You point behind them and they both turn around to look at the couple you pointed at and as they do, you grab your dates hand and run.

    8. You don’t look back and instead focus on getting out of this restaurant as quickly as possible. Between you and the exit is an obstacle course of people, tables, and waiters. You quickly scan the exit routes before making a decision which path to take. Here are 4 possible exit paths, pick the one that will get you out the quickest.

    9. Game 4 - Escape route

      1. Make a overhead map of the restaurant with tables/waiter etc as like path blockers etc.

      2. There are 4 routes. You have 3 seconds to lock in your answer. 3.. 2.. 1..

    10. You focus deeply and find the quickest exit path that you can. Still holding your dates hand, you flee around tables and patrons, dodging waiters and oddly placed decorations until you finally reach the front door. You turn around to check on those two strangers to find your table vacant. And before you can walk out of the restaurant, your waiter appears in front of you holding a plate with the most delicious PB&J you’ve ever seen. Your date starts to pull on your hand telling you to keep running but something seems off about this PB&J. It’s missing something, something that was on the menu but isn’t on the plate.

    11. Game 5 - In a pickle

      1. You mind races as you try to remember what else was supposed to be on this plate as you start to imagine some options of what it could be.

      2. Pickles, Fries, Glass of Milk, Hot Sauce

      3. What was on the menu but is missing from your plate? You have 3 seconds to lock in your answer. 3.. 2.. 1..

    12. You turn to your date to see them looking very concerned. While you were daydreaming about food, the strange people have caught up to you. The woman holding a gun to your head and the man eating a pickle. Holding your dates hand, you gently squeeze it and tell them, “Honey, it seems that we’re in a bit of a pickle.” “Silence!”, the strange woman shouts at you. “Get down on your knees, now.” You comply and go down on one knee. “Any last words?”, she says.

    13. Game 6 - Last stand

      1. This is it, you can’t change how you got here, but you have one final chance to make a decision. What do you do?

      2. Open the package from earlier, Eat the PB&J as your last meal, Tip the Waiter gratuitously, Try to grab the gun from the woman.

      3. No turning back now. You have 3 seconds to lock in your answer. 3.. 2.. 1..

    14. You take one final look at your date, appreciating them, thinking about how much joy they bring to your life, but then you start to tremble. Shaking in fear, you reach for.. the package you received earlier and open it. Inside you see a sparkling diamond ring, looking at your date, you finally say the words, “Will you marry me?”

    15. (cue happy music, record scratch stop)

    16. I lied, seems like there is one more decision to make, but it’s not yours to make. Your date looks at you and cycles through the memories of the evening realizing it was all a setup. The waiter, the strangers, the package, it all makes sense now. Your date finally answers, “Since you like playing games, I’ll say yes if you can answer this one final riddle because we can’t leave until this happens.”

    17. “I appear at the end but only if there’s room. I am completely optional yet still craved. And after what you did tonight, you deserve just this.”

    18. Share your answer in the comments so that I know if you made it to the end! And if you get the right answer, your name will appear in the next video. Happy Valentines Day everyone!

  1. Games

    1. Pouring wine (overflow based on glass volume)

    2. Count the ducks (pay attention to something she does despite all the distractions)


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