That Valentines Dice Game You’ve Always Wanted To Play

That Valentines Dice Game You’ve Always Wanted To Play

That Valentines Dice Game You’ve Always Wanted To Play


  1. Dice with drawings or words (”Dance”, “Sex”) etc.

  2. “How To Plan The Perfect Date Night”

  3. The Valentines Dice Game

  1. Hook

    1. Do you need a good date idea? The classic Dinner and a movie thing is overdone, dumb and boring. Hallmark convinced everyone to do the same lame date idea for literally decades and everyone just kind of went along with it. But why? Is that really what you want to do or is it what Hallmark wants to do? I’m going to share with you an idea of how to do what YOU (and your partner) want to do.

    2. Here is a whiteboard style dice that I got at a dollar store. On each side is an activity that my wife and I like to do. She picks 3 ideas that she wants to do and puts it on 3 sides of the dice, and I get 3 ideas of what I want to do and write it on the other 3 sides of the dice. And then.. we roll the dice. Pretty simple.

    3. Get a 6-sided dice. You get 3 sides, your partner gets 3 sides and on each of your three sides, you write down something you want to do on date night. No boring shit like dinner and a movie, I mean things you REALLY want to do. And then, y’all roll the dice and do whatever activity gets rolled. Pretty simple.

    4. That’s the whole video but if you want to know how how to pick your activities and make this idea run smoothly, keep watching.

    5. However, even though it is simple, there are 2 absolutely critical things you have to do for this to work, but first, let’s talk about what activities to put on the dice.

  2. Script

    1. IDEAS

      1. So if you are doing this for some date night coming up (cough valentines day), ideally you want to give each other a heads up so that each person has time to come up with 3 ideas of what they want to do on said date.

      2. You’ll want to set some ground rules about what the ideas can be. For example, is there a budget for how much we can spend throughout the evening, or is there a distance we are willing to drive to do the thing, or are there some things that are off limits for whatever reason. But don’t worry about these ground rules just yet, let’s think of some ideas first.

      3. So the absolute best way to come up with ideas is to pick things that you SELFISHLY want to do. Yes, I said selfish. Why? Because if you are ordering pizza and you want a meat lovers pizza and your partner wants an Hawaiian pizza, do y’all compromise and go on a plain cheese pizza? No, instead, you get two pizzas and sometimes share slices. That’s the whole idea behind this. For example, If you want to play videogames, and the dice roll lands on videogames, then you get to play videogames.


      1. But here’s the catch (title), here is the 1st of those two very important things I mentioned earlier. This is the critical relationship aspect purpose of why this is the perfect date idea. Ready? You have to find a way to make whatever activities you picked a 2-player experience AND give the other person the best experience possible doing the activity you want to do. For example, if your activity choice was to play Minecraft, for this to work, you gotta set up another computer with the game installed and play together on the same server in a way that is super accessible to your partner, like casual mode, and work together in the game. If one of your partners activities is to crochet, then they will buy an extra set of crochet things and teach you the basic hand movements or whatever happens in crochet so that you can successfully do it and have a good time. Set each other up for success.


      1. Alright so your 6 ideas are set, you’ve assigned each a number, and you are ready to roll. Pretty easy. Little side note I think is important, especially if it’s for Valentines day. Since you each get 3 ideas, one of those 3 ideas should be on the sexier side of things if you know what I mean. It’s date night after all. But anyway, moving on, here is how you make sure things go smoothly.

      2. Think of the ideas in advance because some of these will require prep work such as installing Minecraft on a second computer or buying a second set of crochet supplies. On the day of the actual date, prep work for the activities should be at a bare minimum. They should more or less be ready to go.

      3. Once everything is ready, y’all should figure out a standard amount of time for the activities. The simplest way to do this is that each activity lasts 1 hour. So whatever you are doing or playing or whatever, you do it for 1 hour, and then roll the dice again for the next activity. This means that, all in all, your date night lasts about 6 hours. Some activities will finish sooner, and that’s fine, but ultimately you two are setting aside 6 hours to enjoy each other’s company doing things you actually want to do.

      4. “One and Done”. So each activity takes an hour and once an activity is finished, it cannot be done again. So if the dice rolls an activity that you’ve already done, ignore it and roll again until you get a new activity.


      1. This is not only the second important thing, but the MOST important thing. Great, so you got ideas, you got them setup and you know the rules, now this is the most important part of this whole concept. When the dice is cast (Alea iacta est), you HAVE to do whatever the activity is. If it’s your activity, great, you are probably super down to do it, but if it’s not your activity, you might be less excited, but here is the super ultimate super important secret tip that you must do. No matter whose activity you are doing, you both have to give 100% effort and enthusiasm and try your best to enjoy it. For example, I’m not going to lie, I have zero interest in crochet, HOWEVER, for that 1 hour on date night after the die is cast, crochet is going to be my ultimate fucking passion. I am going to eat, sleep and breathe crochet. I am going to learn the shit out of whatever hand movements I have to learn, I’m going to ask questions that I may never need the answer to, and I’m going to set myself a goal of making at least two rows of whatever stitch pattern thing my wife lovingly planned out for me to try.


      1. Now that you’ve heard this idea, I hope you are hype to try it out. You literally get to do your favorite activities with your favorite person and vice versa. It is literally the perfect date idea and I hope it serves you well. Stay tuned to this channel cause all I do here is give you fun things to do together. Like this video. No, I mean literally like video, hit that like button. Crochet!!!

  3. Tik Tok Versions

    1. Rules

      1. 60 seconds

      2. 3 seconds to capture attention

      3. Set scene, preview info, deliver meat, reflect funny

    2. Perfect Date

      1. This is literally the perfect date idea, you ready?

        1. (while writing words on the 6 sides of the dice)

      2. You are your partner each pick 3 of your own favorite activities. Be as selfish as possible. It should really be stuff you would love to do. Then, on a 6 sided dice from the dollar store. You each write your 3 ideas so that’s there is something on all 6 sides, roll the dice and then you both do that thing for an hour. After the hour is up, roll the dice again and do a different activity. No repeats.

      3. Here’s the catch. Whoever chose the activity needs to have prepared a 2-player version of it of that activity, and listen carefully here, a 2 player version that is setup to maximize the fun for the person who didn’t choose that activity.

      4. So if you’re picked Minecraft, you better have a second setup so that your partner can not only play with you, but you picked like casual mode or whatever so that it’s easy for your partner to play. Or if she picked crochet, then she’ll get you a beginners stitching pattern so that are more likely to have fun.

      5. And this is the most important part. When the dice is rolled, you both have to do the thing with 100% enthusiasm. Like I have no interest in crotchet, but after the dice is rolled, for that one hour on date night, crochet is going to be my ultimate passion.


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