Open Mic Game Show about Dragons

Open Mic Game Show about Dragons

Open Mic Game Show about Dragons

The Dragon Dentist

  • Hook

    • What up, I’m going to be doing something called interactive storytelling. Which is basically a story, with some game show elements, so please feel free to join in, and some comedy, or at least attempts at comedy. So if you get the sense I’m trying to tell a joke, feel free to laugh, either at me or with me, either way I’ll call it a win.

    • Without further ado, dragons. Dragons have made a bit of a comeback in pop culture as of late, with all the game of thrones, harry potter and dungeons and dragons jibber jabber. I think it’s fair to assume that people know a fair amount about dragons at this point, how they breathe fire, hoard treasure, and are super intelligent, but one interesting factoid about dragons that not many people know is that they haven’t figured out oral hygiene. Yes, dentistry. For all the things they devourer, they don’t really brush or floss their teeth.

  • Story

    • There was one dragon in particular where this really become a problem for him. His name is Randall, not a particularly terrifying dragon name, but he had to change it from his native tongue because the locals couldn’t pronounce his real name. So Randall was flying around one day and spotted this family on this dirt road travelling between villages which looked to him like a nice snack. It’s kind of the dragon equivalent of finding last year’s Halloween candy in your pocket and kind of rolling the dice with it. So he swoops down and plops that human candy into his mouth without a second thought. A little time goes by and Randall starts to feel a toothache, and he oohs and ahhs because it’s really bothering him. Little did he realize that the little girl from the family he just devourer was stuck in a cavity in his tooth, and every time the girl tried to climb out of the cavity, it caused Randall a lot of pain.

  • Game Explainer

    • So here is Randall, a close up of his face, and here are his teeth. And behind one of these teeth is the little girl trying to climb out. So there are two characters in this story, one is Randall the dragon, and one is this little girl, who needs a name, anyone want to shout of a little girl’s name? (Bob!) And Bob the little girl. So this side of the room is going to be Randall the dragon, and this side is Bob the little girl. Just to make sure people know what team they’re on, can I get the dragons to give me a roar? (roar) Great. And can I get the little girls to give me a little girl scream? (eeek!) Perfect.

    • Now poor Randall is oohing and ahhing about his toothache, and with his limited knowledge of dentistry decides to start stabbing at his teeth, like picking his teeth with his pinky claw, in hopes that he can knock out the tooth that his causing him pain. So the dragon team wins if they can stab the little girl in his tooth, which sounds like a really gruesome win condition when I say it out loud, and the little girl wins if she can avoid getting stabbed. So I’m going to ask a dragon themed trivia question, if the dragon team answers before the little girl team, they get to choose a tooth to stab at. There are only 5 questions. Ready? Here we go.

  • The Game

    • Question 1, please raise your hand if you want to answer, which of the following traits is not associated with dragons. Is it A) They breathe fire B) They hoard treasure C) They are super intelligent D) They brush twice a day.

    • Great job. Now you get to pick a tooth to stab, starting from #1 on the left to #5.

    • Question 2, what is a dragon’s least favorite form of entertainment?

      • A talon show

      • A drag show

      • A knight club

      • A hoard house

    • Question 3, which of the following characters is not classified as a dragon.

      • Smaug, from the Hobbit.

      • Charizard, from Pokemon.

      • Toothless, from how to train your dragon.

      • Drogon, from Game of Thrones

      • or Mushu, from Mulan

    • Question 4, how do you slay a dragon?

      • Hire a brave knight

      • Fire bolts from a ballista

      • Use powerful ancient magic

      • or you roast it in a rap battle

    • (adjust the answer based on who is winning)

    • Question 5, final question, what do 9 out of 10 dentist’s agree on?

      • The best dance move of all time is the floss.

      • Oral hygiene should be a category of porn.

      • You should always tell the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.

      • You are more likely to die from a dragon’s bad breath than the actual fire that follows it.

    • After many unsuccessful stabs, Randall the dragon gave up from the pain of DIY dentistry and vowed to never eat unchecked Halloween candy, or humans, ever again. Bob the little girl managed to escape and actually befriended Randall, and together they opened up the first dragon dentist office which they named the tooth fairy. The End. Thank you everyone for playing. If you enjoyed this type of thing, please pull me aside and let me know, I do parties where I show up to your house and do whatever this is for an hour or two. It’s like having your own private game show in your living room. Thanks again.


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