10 Robber Strategies
Boardgames Kenneth DSilva Boardgames Kenneth DSilva

10 Robber Strategies

Everyone hates the robber, and who can blame them? At first it feels like this punishing mechanic only exists to annoy you. That is until you understand it's true power. Here are 10+ ways to think about and use the robber and keep enjoying Catan.

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If Catan Was Real
Boardgames Kenneth DSilva Boardgames Kenneth DSilva

If Catan Was Real

I always wondered what Catan would be like if there were battles. Well, since the official version doesn't have PvP, I decided to make it myself. Here is my take on what a 'realistic' version of Catan would look like. Enjoy!

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97% Of Catan Players Choose Wrong
Boardgames Kenneth DSilva Boardgames Kenneth DSilva

97% Of Catan Players Choose Wrong

If you took a second to appreciate the odds of getting resources from settlements, you might completely reconsider how you place. This video is a elaborate intervention to prevent players from betting on the wrong pips.

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Most Violent Boardgame
Boardgames Kenneth DSilva Boardgames Kenneth DSilva

Most Violent Boardgame

One of the things that makes Catan great is how invested people get in the game, and when things don't go your way, or worse, people make sure they don't go your way, things can get a little turbulent. So I thought, let's just teach people how to troll each other in Catan. Seems like a good idea. Right?

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Placement Strategy In Catan
Boardgames Kenneth DSilva Boardgames Kenneth DSilva

Placement Strategy In Catan

If there was one thing that would decide your fate in Catan (aside from whacky dice rolls), it's where you place your first two settlements. And who better to get advice on such a thing than from a Catan Nation Champion?

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Catan is TOO Random
Boardgames Kenneth DSilva Boardgames Kenneth DSilva

Catan is TOO Random

Sometimes Random doesn’t feel that random. It’s not a great feeling when the roll of the dice doesn’t seem be hitting the numbers it’s supposed to or even worse, the randomness seems to be working against you, . Welcome to every game of Settlers of Catan, where the dice don’t play nice.

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