Adult Only Halloween Party Games

Spicy Halloween Party Games

Adult Only Halloween Party Games

Alright so, this is clearly a very specific kind of party. I recommend it for a good group of friends feeling feisty. And it has to follow the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" rules.

Halloween Party Games For Adults

Monster's Ball

Naughty Novels

Buried Together

Lonely Witch

Trick Or Treat

Vampire Bites

Talking Dirty


D*ck In A Coffin

Hungry Zombies

Mummy Montie

Original Script


  • 10 Sexy Halloween Party Games


  • Dick in a coffin (s)

  • Mummy Commando (s)

  • Sexy Novels (m)

  • Lonely Witch (med)

    • Random witch (girl), random guy has to act like a cat until witch feels uncomfortable (not lonely anymore)

  • Vampire Bites (med)

    • Candy placed on players' necks. They have to eat the candy from the neck. Inner thigh, stomach, lower back.

  • Frankenstein Nude (s)

    • Cute outs of body parts, 18+. Mix and match to make the highest voted.

  • Skeleton Boner

    • Is it a boner or a chocolate bar?

  • Zombie Revive (m)

    • CPR game. Teams practice CPR. Best performance wins.

  • Ghostly Chill (m)

    • 1 player blindfolded. Other players take turns whispering into ear and running fingers along skin. Player has to guess who, most correct guesses.

  • Graveyard (med)

    • Stuff people in a closet. Dig one out at random.

    • How many people/team members can you fit under a blanket

  • Knee bone is connected to the groin bone (m)

    • Random bone of player 1 has to touch random bone of player 2. Player 2->3, repeat for the full team until it’s a circle.

  • Trick or Treat (med)

    • Team A member is blindfolded. Team B member places A’s hand on a part of their body. If it’s a sexual part, it’s ‘treat’ if not, it’s a ‘trick’. Blindfolded person has to guess ‘trick’ or ‘treat’

  • Buried Together (m)

    • 2 players on a newspaper, keeps getting folded in half with monster mash music.

  • Monster Ball (m)

    • You are throwing the hottest monster ball and so need the hottest monsters in attendance. Have a series of images of famous actors in monster costumes. Have group discussions about whether to swap left or right. There can only be 10 guests at this party, so choose wisely.

  • Hungry Zombies (s)

    • Edible underwear (over costume). Race to finish eating it.


  • Mild->Spicy.

  • These games are for consenting adults and if anyone says they don’t want to play. No means no. But they might get into the mood later. Which is why, before getting spicy, you always want to start with some foreplay. I’ve ordered the games from mild to spicy so as the night goes on, guests are more warmed up and ready to get a little more daring.


M - Monster Ball, Sexy Novels, Ghostly Chill, Buried Together.

Med - Lonely Witch, Trick or Treat, Vampire Bites

Sp - Frankenude, Dick in a coffin, Mummy Comando, Hungry Zombies

Finale - If people are in the mood at this point, let them know about available bedrooms and closets for private sessions.


100% of Adult Halloween Games are basically kids games. When I google Halloween Games for Adults, I don’t want a bunch of kiddy games. I expect some proper rated M for mature adult games for consenting adults who really want their party to get a little spicy. But those kinds of games just don’t exist, until now. Here are 10 Halloween Party Games For Adults Who Are Feeling Naughty. Now, just like any other sexy party, you gotta warm up your guests with some foreplay, something mild and then make your way to the spicy stuff, which is why I’ve ordered the games in this video from mild to spicy. You won’t see games like these anywhere else, so uh, don’t be too surprised.


#1 Monsters Ball. This game is a really nice ice breaker to start your party and get your guests chatting. Tell them that you are throwing the hottest monster ball and so need the hottest monsters in attendance. Have a series of images of famous actors in monster costumes. Then prompt the guests to have group discussions about whether to swap left or right on whether to allow that monster into the very VIP party. There can only be 10 guests at this Monster’s Ball, so they have to choose wisely. After this little activity, your guests will be warmed up and ready for public speaking which is perfect for the next game..

#2 Naughty Novels. Have your guests bring a lewd book to the party, ideally one with monsters in it like vampires and what not. Each guest will be randomly chosen to read a snippet from their book which they pre-selected before the party. If you’re not sure what kind of book I’m referring to, just as any female fantasy fanatic, they’ll easily give you some examples. As an example, here is a sample from The Court of Blah. After all the books have been read out loud, the voting begins. You’ll all be voting on the top 3 most sexually arousing passages, and the 3 winners will be rewarded with shots. In some cases, it might be too early for guests to reveal their own personal naughty library, in which case, have them bring in the book, mark the passage with a sticky note and put it in a pile of books that the other guests bring in. This way each guest can read from a random book that another guest brought in so no one knows who brought in which book, and more importantly, no one is singled out as the person who is turned on by zombies.

#3 Buried Together. It’s time to get the party guests moving. Randomly assign guests into teams of two. Each team is given a piece of newspaper or a cloth. Everyone stands with their partners on their cloth, and the music starts playing. I recommend the Monster Mash. Every 10-20 seconds, stop the music. Now each pair has to fold their cloth in half and stand back on it. Then play the music again and repeat this process. As the cloth surface area gets smaller and smaller, it gets much harder for teams to stand on it together and they’ll need to start getting creative. If someone falls or steps off their cloth, their team loses and is eliminated.  Keep going until you have the last team standing and Reward them with some shots.

#4 Lonely Witch. We are getting into medium intensity games. Get ready to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Witches can get pretty lonely, so much so that they have been known to keep cats. But what you didn’t’ know is that they transformed a human into a cat to keep for company. Choose a random woman at the party to be the witch and a random man at the party to be the cat. The man has to pretend to be a cat and do cat-like things to the witch, like purring, meowing, brushing against her, and other cat behaviour. The first person to surrender from feeling uncomfortable loses, reward the other person with a shot. Repeat this until all the witches and cats have had a turn.

#5 Trick or Treat. This is a team game where one player from team A is blindfolded. The members of team B then hold that player's hand and place it on a part of the body from a member on Team B. Then they ask the blindfolded person ‘trick or treat’. If their hand is on a “sexy” part of the body, it’s considered a treat. If not, it’s a trick. The blindfolded person may feel where their hand is, but is not permitted to move it, and must guess whether it’s a trick or treat. If they are correct, they get a shot and teams swap roles. Repeat until everyone has had a turn.

#6 Vampire Bites. Vampires tend to be a little picky about where they bite their victim, and so we should accommodate their desires by placing a little treat, like a gummy worm or piece of chocolate, on a part they like to bite. Make two teams, have one member of Team A be a victim for the vampires and lie down on a table. Then the rest of Team A is given a piece of candy to place anywhere on that person’s body. Team B is then tasked with eating the candy off of their body, and like a vampire, you have to use your mouth and bite. If they fail to do so, they lose and Team A is rewarded with shots. But if they succeed, then Team A and B swap roles and a different victim is presented. I recommend gummy worms because they stick to the body a lot easier and you can place them in interesting places.

Before things get spicy, I’d like it, I’d really like it, if you could move your fingers just a little lower, yeah, right there, and hit the like button for me. Yeah, just like that.

#7 Frankenude. I bet there is some fanfiction out there about how when Frankenstein was assembled, they gave him a really big dick. This is basically that game. Have a bunch of pictures pre-cut out of different parts of the body, some glue sticks and some poster boards. At this point of the night, nude pictures will probably be acceptable. Have at least 3 teams. Each team tries to assemble the most.. Well.. interesting body they can. Once they finish, each team will present their Frankenude and explain why it’s the best one. Teams will then vote on the winner, and then you reward the winners with some shots.After the game, you can tape up the posters on the walls for the rest of the party.

#8 Dick In A Coffin. We all know about dick in a box, well, this is basically that but turned into a game. Have all the guests with dicks go into another room. Have some tissue boxes prepared beforehand, one for each player, decorated to look like a coffin. Some of these boxes will be marked with a dick. Randomly distribute the tissue boxes to the players. If theirs has the dick mark on it, they have to unzip their pants and put their junk inside the tissue box. The rest don’t have to, but will still hold the boxes over their crotch to pretend like they did. Once they are ready, they all go out to the main party room together, all holding a tissue box in front of their crotch. The challenge is that the girls have to guess which guys actually have a dick in a coffin. They are not allowed to touch the coffin or the players but can inspect and ask questions to try and figure it out. Once the girls have locked in their answers, all the guys without dicks in coffins, remove their coffins, the rest keep the coffin in front of them. Cause we’re not trying to flash anybody. If the girls answered correctly, reward them with shots, if not, the guys get shots.

#9 Hungry Zombies. Make two teams. One member of each team is put forth as the victim. The rest are hungry zombies. The victim is given some edible lingerie to wear on top of their clothes. Or not on top, up to the party vibe at this point. Then the two teams race to see who can eat all the lingerie off their team member first. Reward the winners with shots.

#10 Mummy Monty. Make two teams, guys vs girls. The challenge is to see how many team members are willing to go fully nude to show that they are the better sex. Have two separate rooms ready, one for guys, one for girls. In each room is some amount of toilet paper. A member from either team may volunteer to be the first one nude, then they go into their designated room and strip, wrap themselves up in toilet paper and then return to the main party room. They can also request assistance to do this. Once they return to the party room, then it is up to the other team to ante up. A member of the other team has to volunteer to go strip in their designated room and return wrapped in toilet paper. This goes back and forth until either a team member refuses to volunteer or they run out of toilet paper. And, as per usual, reward the winners with shots. This is the Pièce de résistance of the party and if you get your guests this far, congratulations, you truly threw one hell of a party. 

#11 Finale. At this point everyone is feeling pretty comfortable in their birthday suits, what happens after this point is up to them. Make sure to thank your guests for being brave and letting loose, but if you don’t think your guests are ready for these types of games, you can try these family friendly ones instead.


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