Halloween Games That Are Actually Fun

Halloween Party Games

Halloween Party Games That Are Actually Fun

It's that time of here. No, I'm not referring to trick or treating. I'm talking about Halloween parties! Friends in costume getting crazy. It's a little sad it only happens once a year. But since it does, here are some Halloween Party Games to make sure it's an unforgettable night.

Zombie Hoard

Witches Brew

Vampiric Charm

Ghost Busters

Skeleton Sketch

Werewolves & Vodka

Mummy & Me

Frankenstein’s Monster

The Headless Horseman

A Murder of Crows

Original Script


  • Hilarious Halloween Party Games

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  • 9 Hilarious Halloween Party Games

  • Halloween Party Games That Are Actually Fun

  • 9 Games For Better Halloween Parties

Halloween Parties are 10x better with games. That’s the good news. The bad news is that most halloween party games are kinda bleh. I ain’t bobbing for apples in a post-pandemic world, I’ll tell you that much.

Halloween Parties are missing something. I mean they are often decorations, drinks, good music but then 

“Halloween Parties can be fun without games.” Witch please. 

You wanna throw a Halloween Party without games? Witch please. Don’t you know that Ghouls just wanna have fun. So before you go all out on the decorations, you gotta have a game plan. Like literally a game plan. But fear not! Here is a list of Halloween Parties games for all you creatures of the night out there, starting with Witches.

A Halloween Party without games? Witch please. Don’t you know that Ghouls just wanna have fun. Get ready for the 9 Halloween party games that can bring back any party back from the dead.

A Boring Halloween Party? Witch please. Don’t you know that Ghouls just wanna have fun. So before you drop dead (from boredom), here are 9 hilarious halloween party games to bring your halloween party back to life.

Zombie, Witch, Ghost, Skeleton, Werewolf, Vampire, Mummy, Frankenstein, Headless Horseman, Scarecrow

#1 The Zombie Hoard. You know the terror of zombies moving slowly toward you. No matter what you throw at them, they don’t flinch and just keep moving forward. This game is exactly that feeling. You’ll have team A, the humans, on one side of the room and team B, the zombies, on the other side. Give team A a bunch of objects to throw at the zombies. Team A wins if all the zombies are eliminated. A zombie is eliminated if they flinch from an object being thrown at them. Team B wins if they reach the humans. Zombies get to take a step each time an object is thrown. So the more objects the humans throw to defeat the zombies, the closer the zombies get so the humans really have to make each throw count. Once a team wins, have team A and team B swap roles and play again. Zombie flinching can be moves like ducking, dodging, or blocking, but not closing eyes. The zombie flinching guidelines is kind of up to an honour system, but if someone has to make a judgement call, just use your braiiinnnsss…

This is a team game where teams takes turns trying to make the other team flinch, but we all know real zombies don’t flinch. Team A stands on one side of the room with an assortment of objects ready to throw. Team B stands on the other side and has to reach Team A to win. Each time team A throws an object, we watch to see if anyone on Team B flinches, dodges, etc. If they do, they have been eliminated. Whoever isn’t eliminated gets to take a step forward. If they can continue to avoid flinching, they will have taken enough steps to reach Team A and bite them, in which case Team B wins. Afterwards, swap rolls and have team A be the zombies. Zombies can take a step each time an object is thrown. The team throwing can also try to retrieve thrown objects, but don’t get caught.  Zombie flinching is kind of up to an honour system, but if someone has to make a judgement call, just use your braiiinnnssss…

#2 Witches Brew. Ahh.. witches brewing some witchy magic in a cauldron, classic. For this game you’ll need 2 teams, a cauldron (or a punchbowl), 2 ladles, some cups to drink from and an open kitchen. The cauldron starts filled to the brim with red or green fruit juice. Team A starts by adding a ladle full of whatever ingredient they find in the kitchen to the brew. It could be ketchup, pepper, shredded cheese or ice cream. The options are limitless. Add the ladle full to the cauldron and give it a good stir. You can chant some spells for added flavour. Great. Now Team B needs to scoop a ladle full of the brew into a cup and drink it. If they do, now it’s their turn to add an ingredient to the brew and Team A has to drink it. If at any point a team surrenders to the brew, they lose the game. Oh and if an ingredient seems unsafe to add, like say dishwashing soap, you probably shouldn’t add it. I’m not going to make a list of what is safe and what isn’t, you should know witch is witch.

#3 Vampiric Charm. It’s well known that Vampires have a hypnotic gaze but can they make you smile? In this free for all game, players compete to charm each other until the strongest vampire is left standing. Have everyone gather in a circle and close their eyes. At the count (wink) of 3 (count puppet), have all the players open their eyes and look at another player. If any two players are looking at each other, they have a vampire duel and will have to stare each other down until one of them either smiles, laughs or breaks eye contact, in which case they have been charmed and are eliminated. If multiple pairings happen, they are all resolved at the same time. Once the duels are settled, return the remaining players to the circle and play again. This continues until the last vampire remains. Sorry no pun for this one, oh you don’t like it? Bite me.

Oooh you’ve hit 3 games in a row, let’s see what prize you’ve gotten. Oh! It’s a chance to hit the like button. Congratulations!

#4 Ghost Busters. Ghosts love to possess people and in this free for all game, white balloons with faces are taped to the backs of players and players battle to pop each other’s balloons until there is only one ghost left standing. This battle royale will be chaotic so no sharp objects allowed. ‘Boooo’. Yeah yeah whatever, save it for the afterlife. Anyway, you’ll need to find other ways to pop the balloons like tag teaming, aggressive hugs and fingernails. Oh and if you’re wondering, ‘Hey Ken, why not use helium and have the balloons float like actual ghosts?’. Well it’s because helium is a rare precious resource used for important science stuff, so we need to stop using it for party decorations. It’s just the right thing to boo.

#5 Skeleton Sketch. Humans have used bones as a decoration for milenia, it’s only natural that you should too. You need 2 teams and some cut outs of all the major bones in the human body laid out on a table. Then one member of a team is given a word, and much like pictionary, you have to try to illustrate the word using only the bones on the table. If your team members are able to read the bones, then y’all get a point and it’s the next team's turn to arrange the bones. You can even animate the bones to help illustrate your word for bone-us points.

#6 Werewolves & Vodka. It’s a free for all game where players are trying to figure out who among them is a werewolf in disguise, and little known fact, werewolves and vodka don’t mix. Have a bunch of shot glasses ready. Fill most of the shot glasses with water and a few with vodka. Shuffle them around and have each player, one at a time, take a shot, while the other players watch them carefully. If they wince from the vodka, you can call them out on being a werewolf and they are eliminated. If they keep a straight face, they can stay in the game. Once everyone has had a shot, refill all the shot glasses like before and go onto round 2. Continue until there is only one person remaining. This is an easy way to loosen up guests since they’ll be wolfing down a lot of drinks in this game.

#7 Mummy & Me. Some to-be-mummys often request to have things buried with them, but what about being mummified with them too? This is a team game where team members are mummified together and must coordinate to reach the tomb (chair). Each team picks 2 of their members and wraps them together with toilet paper. They can be positioned in any way they like, but they gotta lock it in before being wrapped up. Once they are wrapped, each team’s pairs will race to reach the chair and sit down together, however if their wrappings come apart at all, they lose. Well I wrapped that one up pretty quick.

#8 Frankenstein's Monster. Frankenstein really liked to mix and match. He had quite the wardrobe of limbs and trims and was always well put together. This is a team game but you’ll need at least 3 teams. Since this is a Halloween Party, I imagine guests came in costume. Each team combines their costumes in the best way they can to make some kind of abomination. Then all teams will vote on the best Frankensteined costume. Choosing your teammates can be pretty important for this one, so make sure to tell your guests to take some time to think about which costumes would work well together to really bring their idea to life.

#9 The Headless Horseman. Not to be confused with nearly headless Nick, this fully decapitated individual has a hard time navigating without his head. This is a team game where one team member at a time is basically blindfolded and must navigate an obstacle course with the help of their other team members. Give each team an oversized turtle neck sweater and a pumpkin. They will have to balance the pumpkin on their head and navigate through an obstacle course while listening to the verbal directions of their teammates. An easy way to make an obstacle course is to use those spider web decorations. Whichever team can do the obstacle course in the shortest time wins, go big or gourd home right?

Ahh, you know what, since you made it this far, I’ll give you a bonus game. This one is really special. This game is called A Murder of Crows. It’s a free for all game where all the players, aka the crows, watch a scarecrow, aka a jump scare video, and if a crow gets scared, they are eliminated. You’ll want to have quite a few jump scare videos ready, ideally in order of least effective to most effective. Have everyone watch the first one, and if they get scared, they are eliminated. This goes until the last crow is left standing. Since the scarecrow keeps eliminating crows, the name of the game probably sounds a lot more clever now.

If you liked the scary element of the last game, you should check out this video, which is all about terrifying your guests at a halloween party. Like & subscribe for infinite party games. Happy Halloween.


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