Tag, you're it.

Tag, you’re it! flee while giggling

Tag, you’re it! flee while giggling

My wife and I took our 2 year old to the playground and it was completely deserted. It's hard to tell if it's because of covid times or just that kids don't use playground anymore.. I really hope it's the former because the latter is somehow even more tragic.

Not going to stop us though. As we are watching our little one navigate the playground equipment, I sneak over to my wife and give her a good poke followed by “tag, you're it" and then before she could process what just happened, I already started running and climbing playground equipment to put myself at a safe distance.

She knew what to do. She took a quick glance at the baby and then proceeded to hunt me down. There is a lot of strategy to tag that isn’t well communicated and appreciated as you’ll soon see.

She starts assessing my escape routes, studying the structure and assigning probabilities of what my responses would be. The attack begins.

She opens with a quick jersey up the main staircase that allows for faster navigation and mobility. I respond by making my way towards the slide as a way down. She takes note of my response to her fake out and start to creep towards me, slowly pushing me towards the slide that I still thought could be a good escape measure.

She gets close enough that I commit to going down the slide, and before I could even turn around to check her actions, she was already climbing over the railing to pounce on me once I stand up from the slide.

I barely dodge at the last second and sprint away to find another place to take refuge and the dance begins all over again. All of this took place in mere seconds, but your mind is on an overdrive fight or flight mode and slows down time.

Our game went on for a while, each catching the other after some effort. We didn't play for too long as our out-of-shapeness caught up with us and we agree to a cease fire and retreated to the swings for a reprieve.

Should note that we even utilize out toddler are a diversion or to flank each other. Go all out, that’s how a simple life can be grand.

Gl hf everyone!


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