3 Great Word Games You Can Take Anywhere

If you solved the thumbnail, then this video is for you, if not, you got 3 seconds to figure it out before we get started. 3.. 2.. 1.. 

  1. If you are a wordsmith, word nerd, scrabble enthusiast, boggle badass,  bananagrammy award winner. Then you are in the right place.

  2. I’m looking to solve a problem you might have where you just get this itch to fiddle with words, but you can’t just manifest a scrabble game night out of thin air. Fear not, we got you.

  3. I’ve compiled a few games that can be played on the spot, literally anywhere, and require nothing, not even your phone. All you need is your mind, and some other willing minds because we only talk about social games on this channel. Sorry word searchers.

  4. I wanted to make sure it scratched the right itch. So if your symptoms involve wanting to manipulate words or flex your vocabulary all within a set of rules and constraints requiring you to think harder, then these will do the trick.

  5. I’m looking to present to you a handful of games, uh I mean, creative writing exercises that will tickle your brain folds. These are all free, don’t require any components, game pieces, phones, etc. They all take place entirely in your mind.. And the minds of others because they are group activities.

  6. I don’t have a name for these games cause I randomly come up with them, but I’ll present some name ideas and then you can vote for them in the comments.

  7. Okay Wordies. It’s like Foodies but with words. Anyway, let’s get started.

  8. Game #1 With 2 or more people, you take turns saying a word. Each word has to start with the last letter of the previous word. Sounds easy enough right? Here is where the challenge comes in. Each successive word has to be one letter longer than the last. The game starts with a two letter word. Let’s bring in some friends are here to demonstrate.

  9. (game)

    1. It, ten, next, three, entity, yelling, gorgeous, sandpaper, racetracks, sandwiches, scholarship, uhhhh...

  10. If someone can’t deliver on their turn, they are eliminated (figuratively) and the onus goes onto the next person in line. This continues until it’s the last person standing. This game has tons of replayability and the rules are super straight forward if I described them well enough. If I did, please leave a like to let me know.

  11. I should mention that these are games I’ve randomly come up with that my wife & I play when we’re out and about, and as such, these game don’t have a name. Poor things. If you could help them out by leaving a comment about which one you like.

  12. For your consideration.

    1. J: Human Centipede with words

    2. C: Word Necklace

    3. H: Extendo-words

    4. W: Word Beads!

    5. C: Hey you copied me..

  13. #2 With 2 or more people, you pick a random object within line of sight and then you each take turns describing that object with a word, adjective or otherwise. And yes, I did just describe the rules in one sentence. But simple rules don't imply an easy game. Within a few rounds, y’all will be digging deep to describe an object and have a brain-wracking good time doing it.

  14. Demo-time. (rock)

    1. Mineral, small, tiny, light, grey, solid, jagged, coarse, object (lame!).

  15. Since this is group play, y’all can determine if the description is acceptable or not. Just like the first game, you go around taking turns, eliminating people and fighting to be the last one standing.

  16. Game name choices

    1. J: WTF is that?

    2. C: Worth a thousand words.

    3. H: Descripy 

    4. W: UFO, unidentified foreign object.

  17. Game #2 With 2 or more people, a stockpile of letters is available at the start of the game. Players take turns trying to create a word out of the available letters. If a player is unable to create a word, they may add a letter to the stockpile, then create a word. But each time a player adds a letter, they lose a life. If they lose 3 lives, they are eliminated. To start the stockpile, all players say a random letter at the same time, and then turn taking begins. You don’t have to use all the letters to make a word, but you cannot repeat a previously used word. To demonstrate, our pals.

    1. 3..2..1.. XVEA

    2. Vex

    3. Vax (little informal don’t you think?, whatever it’s for fun)

    4. Ave (like avenue? No, it’s like a greeting.)

    5. Axe (omg, how did I not think of that)

    6. C, Cave

    7. Vac (seriously? Yup, allowed in scrabble)

    8. L, Veal

  18. You get the idea. You’ll have to decide as a group how strict you want to be with the words.

  19. Name suggestions! Also feel free to comment your own idea for a name.

    1. J: Better Letter

    2. C: Potluck O’ Words

    3. H: Letter Blob

    4. W: Litter O’ Letters

    5. C: Stop copying me damn it

  20. #3 With 2 or more people, because competition is the spice of life, you take turns saying the longest sentence possible but each word must start with the next letter of the alphabet.

  21. I especially like this one because the sentence outcomes can get really funny and quirky.

  22. Demo

    1. A bird can dance especially for gathering happy insects. (I)

    2. Annie’s bitter cake defeated everyone’s fat gut. (G)

    3. A boisterous captain decided erroneously for Google’s hardest internet judge. (J)

    4. A brilliant cook decorated eleven fresh greasy hams in jazzy kelp lattice mounds.

  23. Okay, wait a second, that might be too nonsensical and therefore, disqualified. But hey, you got to the letter L, impressive. However J is the winner for this round. Again, the group can decide what is permitted.

  24. Names

    1. J: The Bullshit Train

    2. C: Alpha-bull

    3. J: hey wtf

    4. C: Wild copied me earlier so whatever.

    5. H: Runaway Words

    6. W: Run on Sentence

    7. C/J/H: Wow, Oooo, Okay, nicely done.

  25. I hope these 3 games are to your liking, and more importantly, scratch that itch. If this is your kind of thing, make sure to leave a like, comment and subscribe so YouTube can send this out to more Wordsmiths, and while you do that, I’m going to start a Run On Sentence.

  26. Alrighty then, I think I’ve delivered on my promise. Hope this video wasn’t too clickbaity and you actually got something fun to do out of it. And now for a run on sentence while you like, comment and subscribe. A basic component design exercise features good handwritten insights justifying knowledgeable language mandates namely object placement queries restoring safety terminals under volatile working x y z


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