Adam’s Apple

Adam is committed to getting that apple.

Adam is committed to getting that apple.

This is an incredible handy and versatile warm-up activity for creatives. You can use this activity before writing or at the start of brainstorming sessions just to give your brain a good stretch. It's also good for classrooms of all ages and subjects, but especially the arts.

The game is as follows; A scenario is presented, in this example case a person named Adam is standing in front of an apple tree. His sole purpose in life is to get an apple from the tree. Then each player takes turn suggesting a way for Adam to get an apple, and no matter how effective the method might be, their turn always end with 'but Adam didn't get the apple.'

Player 1: "Adam tries to climb the tree, but Adam couldn't get the apple."

Player 2: "Adam tries to throw a rock at the apple, but Adam couldn't get the apple."

Player 3: "Adam tries to shake the tree, but Adam couldn't get the apple."

Player 1: "Adam fashions a spear, but Adam couldn't get the apple."

And on and on it goes, challenging players to stretch the limits of possibility so that Adam might one day get that apple. You can repeat this exercise using a different scenario such as; "Betty is opening a bar, but she can't get any customers."

Good luck have fun! If you find this exercise useful, please subscribe to me on YouTube or join my mailing list for more game ideas.


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